TDK presents second-generation 6-axis IMUs for advanced driver assistance and safety applications

  • SmartAutomotive™ IAM-20685HP and IAM-20689 are second generation 6-axis MEMS IMUs suited for safety-relevant automotive applications up to ASIL D
  • Compact in size and operating in a wide temperature range, they also seamlessly integrate into automotive modules for advanced driver assistance applications (ADAS)
  • Both IMUs can combine multiple applications within a single central unit, leveraging motion detection across all six directions

November 11, 2024

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) further extends its InvenSense SmartAutomotive™ MEMS sensor family with the IAM-20685HP and IAM-20689 second generation 6-axis IMUs for automotive safety applications. Both devices deliver reliable motion data for decision-making algorithms and accurately detect vehicle dynamics in real-time to enhance advanced driver assistance (ADAS) and safety applications, which require higher levels of functional safety up to ASIL D. Mass production of IAM-20685HP and IAM-20689 has started, and samples are already available.

IAM-20685HP is capable of achieving ASIL B on all technical safety requirements. It was specifically developed to enhance ADAS applications, e.g. to increase the driver’s experience while driving or parking. With its compact size and an operating temperature of up to 125 °C, IAM-20685HP is well suited for ADAS positioning and vision systems. Furthermore, it can be used in compact modules where high computational power combined with a small size require high and stable IMU performance over a wide temperature range.

Compared to the IAM-20685HP, the IAM-20689 is a safety-focused 6-axis IMU featuring extended embedded diagnostics. It has been designed to meet systems with requirements up to ASIL D and to elevate safety in critical automotive applications, like electronic/roll stability control (ESC/RSC) and drive-by-wire (DbW).

While both components differ in ASIL, they share the same core design, package size, and register map, and both incorporate a diverse set of safety mechanisms that ensure real-time monitoring of sensor parameters. Embedded diagnostics eliminate the need for an external software library to reach the according functional safety level. This allows customers to easily integrate IAM-20685HP and IAM-20689 into their applications.

“Thanks to the IAM-20689, TDK can offer more flexibility to automotive safety customers by eliminating the need for multiple 3-axis sensors in the vehicle. This simplifies system complexity, enhances ease of use, and provides opportunities for miniaturization”, says Alberto Marinoni, Sr, Director Product Marketing Automotive at InvenSense, a TDK Group company. “Most safety applications today rely on a limited number of axes, rendering current solutions partially blind and unable to gather all vehicle dynamics. Transitioning to a 6-axis solution ensures no motion information is missed, unlocking broader application possibilities for developers.”

IAM-20685HP and IAM-20689 take advantage of TDK’s proprietary MEMS fabrication technology that offers improved reliability compared to other MEMS fabrication technologies available. They have both been developed as a Safety Element out of Context (SEooC) and are automotive qualified according to AEC-Q100 grade 1. Both sensors are available in a small 4.5 × 4.5 × 1.1 mm³ QFN package with wettable flanks options that allow visual inspection at the end of the assembly line.


  • ISO 26262: Road vehicles – functional safety standard
  • SEooC: Safety Element out of Context
  • ASIL: Automotive Safety Integrity Level
  • ADAS: Advanced driver assistance systems
  • 6-axis: 3-axis gyroscope + 3-axis accelerometer
  • IMU:Inertial Measurement Unit
  • CRC: Cyclic redundancy check
  • MEMS: Micro-electro-mechanical systems

Main applications*

IAM-20685HP and IAM-20689 address a wide range of automotive applications, including but not limited to:

  • ADAS systems
  • Automated parking
  • Vision systems
  • Vehicle dynamics systems
  • Electronic stability control (ESC)
  • Roll stability control (RSC)
  • Drive-by-wire (DbW)
  • Adaptive front-lighting systems
  • Active suspension systems

Main features and benefits**

  • Integrated 6-axis IMU (3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope)
  • Operating range of -40 °C to 125 °C
  • User selectable full-scale for both gyroscope and accelerometer
  • Two embedded temperature sensors
  • 16-bit output for accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature sensors
  • 10 MHz SPI serial interface with CRC
  • 24-pin QFN package 4.5 × 4.5 × 1.1 mm³ with wettable flanks

*  Any mention of target applications for our products are made without a claim for fit for purpose as this has to be checked at system level.

**  All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by customers’ technical experts.


TDK株式会社(本社:東京)は、スマート社会における電子デバイスソリューションのリーディングカンパニーを目指しています。 独自の磁性素材技術をそのDNAとし、最先端の技術革新で未来を引き寄せ(Attracting Tomorrow)、社会の変革に貢献してまいります。 当社は各種エレクトロニクス機器において幅広く使われている電子材料の「フェライト」を事業化する目的で1935年に設立されました。主力製品は、積層セラミックコンデンサ、アルミ電解コンデンサ、フィルムコンデンサ、インダクタ、フェライトコア、高周波部品、ピエゾおよび保護部品等の各種受動部品をはじめ、温度、圧力、磁気、MEMSセンサなどのセンサおよびセンサシステムがあります。さらに、磁気ヘッドや電源、二次電池などです。これらの製品ブランドとしては、TDK、EPCOS、InvenSense、Micronas、Tronics、TDK-Lambdaがあります。 アジア、ヨーロッパ、北米、南米に設計、製造、販売のネットワークを有し、自動車、産業電子機器、コンシューマー製品、そして情報通信機器など幅広い分野においてビジネスを展開しています。2024年3月期の売上は約2兆1,030億円、従業員総数は全世界で約101,000人です。


TDKグループのインベンセンスは、世界をリードするセンシング・ソリューション・プロバイダーです。InvenSenseのビジョンであるSensing Everything®は、モーション、サウンド、気圧、超音波の統合ソリューションにより、家電製品および産業分野をターゲットとしています。インベンセンスのソリューションは、加速度センサ、ジャイロスコープ、コンパス、マイクロフォン、気圧センサ、超音波飛行時間センサなどのMEMS(マイクロ電気機械システム)センサと、センサの出力をインテリジェントに処理、合成、校正する独自のアルゴリズムやファームウェアを組み合わせることで、性能と精度を最大限に引き出します。インベンセンスのモーション・トラッキング、超音波、オーディオ、位置情報プラットフォームとサービスは、モバイル、ウェアラブル、スマートホーム、産業、自動車、IoT、ロボットなど、多くの種類の製品に搭載されています。インベンセンスは、2017年にTDK株式会社のセンサシステム事業カンパニー内のMEMSセンサ事業グループの一員となりました。2022年4月、チャープマイクロシステムズはインベンセンスと正式に合併しました。インベンセンスはカリフォルニア州サンノゼに本社を置き、世界中にオフィスを構えています。