
InvenSense Developers Corner


Welcome to the InvenSense Developers Corner, your hub for intelligent sensor system on chip solutions designed for applications on the move. Registered Developers gain access to Software Downloads, Developer Kits, Discussion Forum, Application Pages, and Support Center.


The Embedded MotionApps platform which includes drivers and libraries provide application programming interfaces (API) and calibration algorithms that simplify access to complex functionality commonly needed by customers. This platform utilizes the output from the DMP layer to enable system designers to use the sensor data in their applications without the need to understand detailed motion sensor outputs and develop related motion interface algorithms. InvenSense offers numerous embedded solutions that are supported across a variety of microcontroller platforms.

We have a few different options available for all your sensor fusion and calibration needs:

  • SmartMotion Platform
  • Open source drivers for 6-axis operation, portable to all MCU platforms.
  • Software libraries for 9-axis operation, available for numerous MCU platforms and compilers
  • Hardware + software developer kits for contextually aware and wearable application development
  • Universal Data Logging application for evaluation
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Several sensor drivers and example applications are made available in source code format through our public GitHub organization for our SmartMotion®, SmartSonic™, SmartPressure™ and SmartAutomotive™ solutions.

Developers can access useful and up-to-date content while benefiting from features of the GitHub platform (version history, issues, fork, …).

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A comprehensive list of introductory Q&A focused on motion sensors and the rich data they provide. You can also send in support questions directly to InvenSense by filling out the form that can be found on this page.

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A discussion forum for all things InvenSense related. Collaborate and interact with fellow developers and get your technical questions answered.

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